Melatonin For Sleep: ISLAM – VET CHUMOTHEHZ OACHLEM – A DEEP REVIEW – Ahmed M. Hemaya – Google Books


Melatonin For Sleep: ISLAM - VET CHUMOTHEHZ OACHLEM - A DEEP REVIEW - Ahmed M. Hemaya - Google Books

ISLAM – VET? CHEMUCHEGZ? OACH? – DEEP REVIEW – Ahmed M. Hemaya – Google Books

What makes this book unique? – This is the only book that allows the reader to get a deep and comprehensive view of Islam as a religion, practice and lifestyle – Considering that there are many books on various Islamic issues, so far it is almost the only book that gives a comprehensive overview Islam, covering all its various aspects and sides. In addition, she deeply examines Islamic practices and their arguments about women, violence, sex and many other controversial issues around Islam – – She explores Islamic rituals (especially the five prayers) in a new and unique way, revealing the beauty and secrets of Sufism in its practical form, mixing between practice and theory, as it was felt and realized by the leaders of Sufism at their best times – the book is intended to be a fascinating work of art. His layout and illustrations were updated by German artists and designers to leave the reader a pleasant reading experience – She also analyzes the motives and arguments that terrorism is considered to be Islamic – The variety of topics discussed in this book and the way they are divided and classified makes it also very comfortable and interesting. Content of the book Where did I come from, and where did this world come from? Why am I here? And where will I go after my death? Based on these key questions about our existence, the book covers topics such as the origin of the harmonious relationship between man and the Universe, and the establishment of a balance between the needs of the soul and the needs of the body, all from the standpoint of Islam. The causes of inner peace and spiritual tranquility will also be carefully studied as they are rooted in Islam. Here are some of the questions covered in the chapters of this book: – In addition to studying the key questions posed above in chapters 1 and 2, and partly in ch. 5, this chapter also conveys a detailed description of paradise (Jeanne) in Islam – Ch. 3 emphasizes what kind of person Muhammad was and how he treated children, women and non-Muslims around him. During the discussion of this issue, the reader will learn how Muhammad managed to exert such a great influence on world history and gain the faith of billions of people – Ch. 4 considers the question of what the Qur’an is and how it was identically preserved, to the very last letter, for more than 1,400 years, in each of its separate copies – Islam’s position on controversial topics such as sex, sin and violence is considered in Chapter 5, which also explains aging and death. It will explain why God permits injustice and grief, while He is Merciful and Just. Here we will also discover the deep meaning of prayer in Islam, and find out the reasons for their chronological placement. In the sixth chapter, the themes that currently dominate the image of Islam in the media will be reviewed, discussed and explained, using original sources of Islam of the Koran, Sunnah and Shariah (Islamic law). In addition, the daily use of these problems in Muslim societies throughout history will be discussed. Here, the position of women in Islam will be considered first, and then the ratio of freedom, civilization and Islam as a state system, as well as the interaction of Muslims with religious minorities throughout history. Finally, the jihad and its meaning will be explained.

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Melatonin For Sleep: ISLAM - VET CHUMOTHEHZ OACHLEM - A DEEP REVIEW - Ahmed M. Hemaya - Google Books

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