Melatonin Pills: The Magic Hormone. Why does the body need melatonin? Tips HEALTH AIF St. Petersburg


Melatonin Pills: The Magic Hormone. Why does the body need melatonin? Tips HEALTH AIF St. Petersburg

“Magic hormone”. Why does the body need melatonin? | Tips | HEALTH | AiF St. Petersburg

In recent years, medical scientists are increasingly talking about the need to maintain normal melatonin, which is responsible for the regulation of all processes in the body.

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Vladimir Anisimov: – It is produced in the epiphysis – the pineal gland, an appendage of the brain. This hormone, as a conductor in a large orchestra, is involved in the synchronization of biorhythms and all processes in the body. There will be no melatonin – everything will go hand in hand. It also has a complex effect on the hormonal and immune systems. Eliminates depression, anxiety, normalizes sleep. And significantly slows aging.

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– Is melatonin produced, as we know, at night?

– Yes, from midnight to three or four hours. And not necessarily in a dream, the main thing – in the dark. If the lights are on in your bedroom at this time, you are sitting at the computer or TV, working, walking – the body does not receive the necessary melatonin. Over time, this provokes premature aging, mental illness, metabolic disorders, obesity, and even oncology.

Here is a case in point: a study was conducted in Alaska and found that over the past 30 years, the number of cancer patients in this region has increased threefold. Puzzled: why? It turned out – due to constant access to the light. Previously, the Eskimos in their homes used a torch, a kerosene lamp. Now – electric lighting.

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In general, the farther away from the equator, the greater the power consumption and the higher the incidence of cancer. Israelis, for example, a few years ago made a map of the illumination of their country and saw that it coincided with the incidence rate of women with breast cancer as a carbon copy! After that, they conducted a similar test in 164 countries, and the results again coincided.

Melatonin Pills: The Magic Hormone. Why does the body need melatonin? Tips HEALTH AIF St. Petersburg

According to Anisimov, melatonin is involved in all processes in the body. Photo: AiF / Sergey Prudnikov

– But how can a hormone deficiency provoke cancer?

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– There is a decrease in immunity and a violation of the established rhythm of the body. DNA molecules that are damaged due to exposure to carcinogens are not restored. Well, and provoking factors can be many – genetic predisposition, ultraviolet light, junk food, exhaust fumes, poor ecology, and so on.

Bananas, Nuts, Cheese

Melatonin deficiency. Vladimir Khavinson on the dangers of the white nights

– It turns out that St. Petersburg’s white nights also inhibit melatonin production?

– And how. All subarctic polar regions, including St. Petersburg, are subject to excessive lighting. In May-June these are white nights. The rest of the time – the night light mode, when the streets of the city are illuminated with lanterns, advertisements, shop windows. All this has a negative effect on health. Particularly affected night and shift workers – nurses, police, taxi drivers, shop sellers, pilots. The risk of cancer, diabetes, stomach ulcers, obesity, they are much higher than those who work during the day.

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“But it’s impossible not to work at night either!”

– First, you need to still try to find time to relax at night – health is more expensive. Secondly, eat foods that contain melatonin – bananas, walnuts and almonds, pumpkin seeds, cheese, corn, turkey meat, chicken, rice. I would also highly recommend taking drugs containing melatonin, they are sold in any pharmacy. By the way, the research of our institute showed that after surgery to remove tumors of the stomach and colon, the relapse-free period in patients who took melatonin is increased by 30%.